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Friday, September 30, 2011

Going Postal

Please be aware of the issue concerning the United States Postal Service and the United States Congress.
Congressional Republicans are attacking an institution which has been a part of our country and has served all of us for over 230 years. The US Postal Service is the only government/Public entity that does not run on tax dollars. It pays for itself.
The Republican Congress in 2006, had taken money from the Postal Service causing it to have this financial problem. It was one of the last acts they did before the congress changed over to the democrats in 2006.
They are now trying to complete the job they began while they are in control of Congress. They call the Postal Service a financial drain, however, if congress puts back the money it took from the Postal Service there is no deficit. Remember the Postal service does not use tax dollars to operate.But closing post offices will affect economic growth and cost the jobs of thousands of our neighbors. We all know someone who works for the postal service, as many African Americans are employed.
The US Postal Service unlike private services must serve every community and every address. This attack will affect many who are elderly, live in smaller communities and it is also another way to diminish voter participation. Contact your Representatives in congress, and contact the entire congress to stop this take over of a government agency that provides information and service to all citizens, and employs many at no additional cost to any.

Chenita Johnson, President
African American Caucus Jacquelyne Barber Branch

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