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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How is that Non-Partisan School Board working for you?

When will Black Folks ever wake up and smell the manure? We were told that a Non-Partisan School Board would elect the best candidates for the job. By removing Party Politics, people would just vote for the best people, and not their Party Affilliation. As a former member of CHANGE, I said that this would hurt African American Voters and CHANGE had moved from Community Organizing to a Political Organization.
CHANGE has bought the Black Church into being one of its strongest and most loyal constituencies. I left CHANGE many years ago when they always pushed school bonds knowing that this would further segregate public schools. CHANGE is in full support of the Library Bond which will move the new library to a place where all those Black Men who congregate down on 5th street will no longer be able to use the computers. There is a promise of money for Malloy/Jordan Library. This is the same as the promise of Forty Acres and a Mule. Consider this, the same people who voted for the Library Bond supported keeping the same School Board that re-segregated the School System.
I will never understand the Black Church who fell for George W. Bush's Faith Based Initiative to give them money to keep Black People from voting for Democratic candidates. I will never understand Black Politicians who sell out their own people and the people who voted them into office, for their own personal gain. The Black Church should only follow and work for Jesus Christ and his rewards.
Black Politicians should work for the people who elected them. If African Americans ever get these two goals straight, then we will have some heaven here on earth.
Harold Lee Hairston

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